I’m Salvatore Guadagno, born in 1979 in Salerno, I live and work in Maiori, on the Amalfi Coast, as a photographer and graphic designer.
The path that leads me to discover photography passes through computer science and digital graphics, whose influence is found in my works.
Photography for me is a continuous and infinite research on myself and on the world, a way of thinking beyond photography itself.
To describe it, I could use, among the many phrases, a quote from André Gide: “The importance is in your gaze not in the thing looked at.”
In 2013 I obtained the title of Google Certified Photographer, with whom I make virtual tours on Google Maps (this is my dedicated website: http://fotoa360.it).
I do my job with passion, because I like it, because I love it, otherwise I couldn’t.
I share Miss Aniela’s thought: “Photography is a sort of meditation.”
I believe there are no limits to one’s potential and creativity, “Limits exist only in our heads.”
I trust in the freedom of expression and thought, and in what can be called the “insight”, the creative spark, the genius, which naturally derives from it.
The use of visual arts as language allows us to communicate emotions even without speaking, effectively making communication universal.
This is my synthetic “self-portrait” or “selfie” (as someone today prefers to define).

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